Fighting and Fitness Workshops

Fighting and Fitness Workshop

$ 80.00 USD

This reality based workshop is designed to give you the basic skills and confidence to defend yourself if you are being attacked. At the completion of this workshop, you will have learned basic, practical, simple and effective tactics that will allow you to stop an attacker in an emergency, allowing you to get to safety.

Course Description:

Fight, Flight, or Freeze!! During high stress incidents such as assaults, rape, robbery, and other such violent attacks, that's what you revert to.  Our workshop is designed to give you simple effective and realistic choices that can help you overcome a violent encounter. By combining REALISTIC self defense principles with fitness fun, we present a practical format that's enjoyable and applicable to real world situations. The course will cover natural defensive weapon selection, stances/fighting positions, movement and more that will give the attendee a well grounded basic understanding on what to do to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
What To Bring:

Positive attitude
Open Mind

Comfortable Clothing Suitable For Physical Exercise Is Suggested

Please Note That This Class Is Physically Demanding. If You Have Health Concerns, Please Consult With A Physician Before Attending.

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