Pepper Spray Class / (OC Certification)

Pepper Spray, otherwise known as O.C. (Oleo-Resin Capsicum) is an organic incapacitant made from pepper plants—potent enough for self-defense, yet humane and courtroom defensible. This is an excellent product for a secondary weapon or less-lethal force option. In this four-hour class, students are taught the proper use of O.C. spray as a defensive tool. Successful completion of this course including the written exam certifies you for one year. Once certified, you can attend a shorter recertification course on Legal Updates, Common Effects of OC, Proper Deployment of the Spray and Use of Force at the end of your certification term.
(Caution- Certification in this course does not require the attendee to be sprayed and go through the decontamination process, however it is encouraged. Consult your physician before attending if there are health concerns)
Course Topics include:
Origin of Chemical Weapons · Types of chemical
munitions ·
Common effects of OC ·
Types of OC Compositions · Proper Deployment of OC
Use of Force Continuum · How
to defend yourself if your spray is taken from you· Decontamination
Strategies · Georgia Law on Pepper Spray Use
Required Equipment:
Comfortable Clothing (caution – if you opt to be exposed to the effects of OC, clothing may get wet during decontamination)
Small Bottle (travel size) of Baby Shampoo
Clean Towel
A Complete Change of Clothes/Shoes (in the event you go through the OC exposure and your clothing gets wet during decontamination)
Price: $160.00 (includes a take home unit of Pepper Spray for your immediate Self Defense use)
(The practical application portion of this class can be combined with the practical application for Expandable Baton as one Demonstration)
States With Pepper Sprays are Restrictions!
NEW YORK: Sold in pharmacies and by licensed firearms dealers. Animal sprays ordered online are legal.
MASSACHUSETTS: Sold by licensed firearms dealers. Animal sprays ordered online are legal.
MICHIGAN: <35 grams per can, no stronger than 10% concentrate. No combinations.
WISCONSIN: Pepper spray only, no stronger than 10%. Safety features required. Weight allowed 15-60 grams.
CALIFORNIA: Weight restricted to 2.5 ounces (about 70 grams).
WASHINGTON D.C.: You must register with the police for possession of pepper spray.

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