Handgun Skills for Personal Defense (Level 2)

$ 240.00 USD

This level 2 class is perfect for those needing to build on primary shooting skills needed to survive a deadly force encounter. This is NOT an entry level class. Prior basic handgun skills is pre-requisite for this class. Includes range fee. (Handgun rental and course ammunition available for additional fee. Choose that option below.)

Handgun Skills for Personal Defense (Level 2) with handgun rental/course ammo

$ 300.00 USD

This what a good shot group looks like

 This class is designed to give the shooter practical handgun safety and manipulation skills needed to be confident that they are able to defend themselves and their loved ones against violent threats. At the end of this course, the shooter will be confident that they are able to take the actions necessary to defend their lives, and their loved ones' lives with a handgun in self defense and will have the basic proficiency and skills to effectively engage a hostile threat if needed. 

This what a good sight picture should look like.
 Course content includes:
  • Legal Justification for Using Deadly Force
  • Firearms Safety
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • Weapons maintenance
  • Situational Awareness
  • Weapon Manipulation Drills
  • Various Practical Shooting Drills
  • Movement Drills
  • Tactical Mindset
  • 250 Rounds needed


Coaching fundamentals on the firing line.

Fee: $240.00 

( Range fee is included. Pistol rental with course ammunition available for additional fee. )

Please call or email for suggestions on ammunition purchase if needed


Registration information

Handgun Skills for Personal Defense 1

Superior Security Concepts - Atlanta , GA 31126